hotel building model with cars and other transportation modes

Effective Marketing Strategy for Hotels Using Social Media

October 26, 2023
Nathan Baws

Social platforms present a valuable marketing channel for hotels to inspire travellers, engage loyal guests, and convert bookings. However, simply signing up for accounts is not enough. An intentional, strategic approach to social media marketing success encompasses content, customer service, promotions, analytics, and community growth. This article will explore proven social media marketing strategy and best practices hotel marketers should embrace to maximize exposure, bookings, and ROI from these high-potential channels.

What Is The Marketing Strategy For Hotels 

Here are a few tips to utilize while coming up with a strategy for hotel marketing of hotels using social media

Foster Social Community Building

Grow followers and engagement organically through compelling content, conversations, and relationship nurturing. 

Share Rich Visual Content  

Professionally photographed highlights of rooms, amenities, local experiences, events, packages, and promotions attract target followers.

Post Conversation Starters

Pose intriguing questions, surveys, polls, and prompts on topics relevant to travellers to spark dialogue and commentary. 

Engage Follower Questions 

Proactively respond to follower inquiries and requests for information to provide helpful customer service through social.

Monitor Mentions and Hashtags

Track brand handle mentions and local hashtags to interact and capitalize on real-time visitor conversations.

Host Social Giveaways

Contests and sweepstakes rewarding followers incentivize sharing, liking, tagging, and follower growth.

Consistent Social Monitoring and Care

Actively listening and immediately addressing feedback strengthens reputation and relationships.

Respond to All Direct Messages 

Private DMs often contain guest service needs requiring special attention and outreach.

Resolve Complaints Quickly

Apologize for any poor experiences called out publicly and resolve the matter through direct messaging. 

Highlight Praise 

Repost social praise calling out great employees or experiences as recognitions driving advocacy.  

Monitor Reviews and Ratings

Link negative rating site reviews to social conversations, facilitating improved service recovery.

Track Brand Mentions 

Alerts on brand name mention notify of prospective guest questions or issues needing attention.

Paid Social Campaigns

Sponsored posts and ads promote offers directly in the feeds of defined target audiences.

Boost High-Performing Posts

Double down on organic content resonating well by paying to extend reach to more potential guests.

Retarget Engaged Visitors 

Remarket deals and packages to followers who previously engaged with your page or clicked website links.

Promote Lead-Nurturing Content  

Sponsor educational, inspiring posts and videos to attract followers well-aligned with brand positioning. 

Target Lookalike Audiences

Identify similar profiles to existing followers open to brand messaging for expanded paid reach.

Drive Site Traffic

The sponsor's website clicks directly on strategic landing pages using call-to-action ads with special offers.

Influencer Partnerships

Work with relevant voices to create co-branded social content that engages their loyal, targeted follower base.

Identify Niche Influencers

Connect with bloggers, experts, and personalities in your location, industry, or aligned to brand values for collaborations.

Negotiate Win-Win Campaigns

Offer hosted stays, special access or experiences in exchange for negotiated social promotion, reviews, and takeovers.

Showcase Local Experts

Work with respected area practitioners leading wellness, cultural, or culinary programming onsite that inspires organic social content.

Promote User-Generated Content

Repurpose and share authentic social content from influencers and happy guests with permission to maximize reach.

Track Campaign Effectiveness

Use unique links, codes, and tags to quantify website traffic, engagement, bookings and ROI from influencer initiatives. 

hotel sales turnout being presented from a bar graph

Performance Analysis for Continual Optimization  

Review analytics frequently to isolate the highest-performing initiatives worth amplifying across platforms.

Measure Social Conversions

Implement tracking like unique booking codes, particular landing pages, and UTM parameters to count direct referrals and sales.

Identify Peak Content Times  

Review metrics on highest traffic days and hours to guide scheduling new social content when followers are most active.

Analyze Interactions

Assess engagement metrics like clicks, comments, shares, and reactions to guide online conversation facilitation across platforms.

Set Key Performance Indicators

Establish measurable social media goals around followers, engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and media value to gauge ongoing effectiveness.

Attribution Analysis

Identify which social initiatives, campaigns, influencers, and platforms drive the highest website traffic and booking conversions.

For hotels still new to social media marketing best practices, Emersion Wellness provides consulting grounded in data-driven solutions tailored for your unique brand, location, and audience. 

Let’s connect to unlock this platform’s full potential.

See Also: Top 10 Ways to Attract Guests to Your Health and Wellness Hotel

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