hotel business

Services offered by the hotel business.

December 12, 2023
Nathan Baws

Seeing a "hotel going out of business sale" sign is every hotelier's worst nightmare. With the hotel business being so competitive, it's crucial to implement strategies to keep your hotel profitable and prevent closure. While there are many external factors you can't control, taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of going bankrupt.

This article explores critical ways hotel owners and managers can maintain a thriving business in Indonesia's dynamic tourism market.

Perform Regular Financial Reviews of Hotel Business

Staying on top of your hotel's finances is the number one way to avoid going out of business. Set a schedule for comprehensive financial reviews, analysing performance metrics like revenue, profitability, occupancy rates, RevPAR (revenue per available room), and average daily rates.

Benchmark against regional competitors and hotel business standards to ensure you're on track. Consult accountants and financial advisors to forecast future cash flow needs, manage debt obligations, and provide objective assessments of financial health. Act quickly if any red flags appear. Being proactive is vital.

Optimise Operations and Reduce Costs

Streamlining operations to reduce overhead is vital, especially during slow seasons. Look for ways to improve efficiency without compromising on guest experience. For example:

- Renegotiate contracts with vendors and suppliers for better rates

- Cross-train staff to perform multiple functions

- Adjust staffing levels based on occupancy forecasts

- Implement energy-saving initiatives

- Use yield management software to optimise pricing

- Carefully manage inventory and food costs

Minor optimisations add up, increasing profit margins. Work closely with department heads to instil a culture of sustainability.

Maintain the Asset Value of your Hotel Business

Success comes down to maintaining and improving your hotel's tangible and intangible assets. Invest wisely in upkeep and renovations to keep the property looking fresh and appealing. Upgrade amenities to match guest expectations. Offer unique facilities like rooftop pools, spas, or signature restaurants that differentiate you.

Equally important is building brand value and goodwill. Deliver exceptional service. Be active on social media and engage with reviewers. Sponsor local events and support community initiatives. These efforts build brand loyalty and retain repeat guests.

Monitor Online Reputation

In today's digital age, your online reputation directly impacts occupancy and revenue. Actively monitor review sites and social media sentiment. Respond promptly to any complaints and engage with reviewers to resolve issues.

Ask happy guests to leave positive reviews. Share reviews, awards, and press features on your website and social channels. Maintain an immaculate reputation for quality and service. This will keep demand high, even during low seasons or market downturns.

Adapt to market Shifts.

Markets inevitably evolve, whether due to economic fluctuations, competitor openings, or changing tourism patterns. Adaptability is critical to survival.

Watch for market shifts and adjust strategies accordingly. For example, expand into new customer segments like business travellers if demand drops from leisure tourists. Introduce enhanced health and safety protocols if guests want COVID-safe stays. Offer staycation deals if international travel declines. Adapting to market movements lets you ride the waves.

Prioritise Guest Satisfaction

Never underestimate the value of delighted guests. Customer satisfaction must be your obsession. Listen to feedback and understand pain points. Rectify weaknesses and constantly improve. Surprise and delight with added touches to exceed expectations.

Empower staff to resolve complaints immediately. Follow up to ensure issues are fixed long-term. When you consistently satisfy guests beyond their expectations, they will become loyal advocates of your brand. This organic word-of-mouth is invaluable.

Diversify Your Revenue Streams to Improve Hotel Business

Having diverse revenue streams outside of just room bookings reduces risk if one area slows down. Consider: 

- Offering venue space for weddings and events

- Opening facilities like spas, restaurants, or bars to the public

- Providing tourism services like tickets, tours, airport transfers

- Renting out equipment, gear, amenities

- Selling local handicrafts, souvenirs, or branded merchandise

- Cross-selling with local businesses through packages or commissions

Multiple profit centres let you capitalise on different segments and demand drivers. This strengthens overall financial health.

Seek Expert Guidance

Don't go it alone. Seek guidance from industry experts if you need a performance boost. Hotel consultants can undertake audits identifying revenue opportunities and cost savings. Mentorship programs help managers gain skills. Marketing firms develop promotions and partnerships for demand generation. Revenue management advisors optimise pricing strategies using market data.

There are professionals ready to support your success. Being proactive by seeking help early maximises your chances of sustaining a thriving hotel business.

Final Word

By being vigilant, adaptive, and guest-focused, hoteliers in Indonesia can avoid the unfortunate fate of going bankrupt or closing. While market challenges will emerge, taking a proactive stance gives you the power to steer your hotel's future in a positive direction.

Gain customised guidance and revenue-generating solutions from Emersion Wellness to fortify your hotel against any storm. Let's talk about maximising success.

Contact Us for more details.

Also See: 25 Essential Practices to Craft a Constructive Hotel Marketing Strategy That Increases Bookings

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