Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts: Marketing Strategies

January 14, 2024
Nathan Baws

Effectively promoting hospitality properties is essential for driving bookings and remaining competitive in the travel industry. While banners, ads and brochures were once standard, marketing today requires a strategic mix of digital tactics and messaging tailored to target travellers. Hotels and resorts should take an omnichannel approach when deploying campaigns to maximize reach and generate brand awareness.

Consider these savvy marketing strategies for hotels and resorts aiming to fill rooms and optimize revenue.

Offer Email Nurturing and Promotions in Hotels and Resorts

Email marketing allows hotels to reach engaged subscribers directly with tailored offers based on interests and behaviours. Send pre-arrival emails confirming reservations and requesting preferences. On-property, use wireless networks to collect emails and build your subscriber list. Nurture subscribers with relevant content and special offers that incentivize direct bookings. Send periodic promotions like advance purchase rates, seasonal sales, package deals, and contests or sweepstakes. Just ensure a preference centre and mobile optimization.

Engage on Social Media

Consumers increasingly turn to social media when researching and booking travel. Hotels must engage on relevant platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TripAdvisor. Share tempting photos, run contests and scavenger hunts, highlight packages and amenities, respond to comments promptly, and track relevant hashtags. Optimized social accounts drive brand awareness and bookings. Utilize paid promotions and geo-targeting for specialized campaigns. Be sure to monitor your online reputation closely. 

Search Engine Optimization for Hotels and Resorts Websites

A strong SEO strategy helps hotels rank higher in search results and drive site traffic. Optimize pages and metadata with relevant keywords. Provide fresh, helpful content consistently, like local guides or travel tips. Participate in link-building activities to improve domain authority. Analyze click-through rates to refine keyword usage. SEO maximizes visibility when travellers search online for accommodations and local attractions.

Search Engine Marketing in Hotels and Resorts

SEM campaigns through pay-per-click ads provide a fast way to get your hotel website in front of travellers actively searching. Target critical terms regarding location, price point, amenities, and audience. Creative ad copy inspires clicks. Analyze click-through rates, bid prices, and conversion metrics to optimize efforts. Dynamic remarketing keeps your brand top of mind. SEM requires ongoing monitoring but drives qualified traffic.

Leverage Online Travel Agencies for Hotels and Resorts

While commissions reduce profit margins, online travel agencies like Expedia expand visibility substantially. Weigh participation costs versus potential bookings. Negotiate preferential rates. Ensure adequate inventory for busy periods. Read all policies closely and use unique imagery to stand out. Sync OTA presence with other efforts and steer bookers back to your site for future stays.

Partner with Local Attractions

Partnering with nearby attractions, restaurants, stores, and transportation provides marketing synergy. Cross-promote via links, cooperative packages, sponsored posts, inclusion in visitor guides, and in-room promotions. These partnerships tap into established audiences while enhancing the guest experience. Collaborating with local businesses creates a destination ecosystem that benefits all partners.

Produce Engaging Video    

Video marketing engages modern travellers who increasingly watch online videos when planning trips. Produce branded video tours of your property, area attractions, amenities, and accommodations. Share testimonials from happy guests. Promote over social media and embed on your website. Utilize 360-degree virtual tours. Videos inspire potential guests about the experiences awaiting them.       

Target Travel Advisor Networks

Many travellers rely on advisors to book hotels, especially for luxury stays. Cultivate relationships with local agencies and consortiums like Virtuoso, Signature, and Travel Leaders. Offer advisor rates, training webinars, referral rewards, and co-sponsored events. This channel targets affluent travellers who favour personal service when planning trips.

Analyze Metrics and Optimize                    

Regularly analyze key marketing metrics around website traffic, engagement, conversions, referrals, operational costs, etc. This performance data spotlights what's working versus underperforming. Refine strategies and continuously improve return on investment. Test new platforms and creative approaches. Staying nimble and data-driven optimizes marketing.                       

In A Nutshell

With comprehensive digital marketing and strategic partnerships, hotels and resorts can inspire travellers, remain top of mind, and fill vacancies. Consult our hospitality experts at Emersion Wellness to develop data-driven, integrated marketing plans tailored to your property's needs and guests. Together, we can showcase your hotel's unique experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the most effective marketing strategies for hotels?

    Top marketing strategies include email campaigns, social media engagement, search engine optimization, pay-per-click ads, partnerships with online travel agencies and local attractions, video content, and cultivating travel advisor relationships.

  2. How can emails market hotels?

    Send promotional emails, pre-arrival confirmation emails, preference centre sign-up invites, special offers, contests, and relevant content to engage subscribers. Nurture relationships and incentivize direct bookings via email.

  3. What social media platforms should hotels use?

    Focus efforts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TripAdvisor, and any location-specific platforms popular with target travellers. Ensure accounts stay optimized and active.

  4. How does SEO help hotel marketing?

    SEO improves visibility in organic search results through keyword optimization, content creation, backlink building, and ongoing analysis. This allows you to attract travellers to research stays authentically.

  5. What metrics determine marketing optimization?

    Key metrics include website traffic, bounce rates, time on site, rank tracking, engagement, click-through rates, conversions, operational marketing, and customer acquisition costs.

  6. Should hotels partner with OTAs?

    Online travel agencies bring mass visibility at the cost of commissions. Weigh marketing reach versus revenue tradeoffs in your market. Negotiate preferential terms if participating.

  7. What makes video marketing effective?

    Video allows you to inspire guests by showcasing experiences and amenities in an engaging visual medium. Promote videos on social media, your website, and via paid ads.

  8. How do you market to travel advisors?

    Offer advisor rates, training, rewards for referrals, co-sponsored events, and personalized outreach. Advisors influence affluent travellers seeking expertise in booking trips.

  9. What's most important when optimizing marketing strategies?

    Continually analyze performance data to identify successes versus underperformers. Refine efforts to maximize ROI. Remain nimble and test new platforms and approaches.

Contact us for more details.

Also See: How To Increase Revenue In Restaurant At A Hotel?

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