Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook

Effective Strategies for Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook

January 13, 2024
Nathan Baws

In the competitive hospitality industry, having an effective marketing strategy on social media can make or break your hotel's success. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook presents a massive opportunity for hotels to promote their brand, engage with potential guests, and drive direct bookings. Whether you manage a large chain hotel or a cozy independent property, integrating Facebook into your digital marketing approach is essential in 2024.

This article will explore powerful techniques for marketing your hotel on Facebook, helping you maximize your reach, increase engagement, and convert social followers into paying customers. Applying these proven Facebook marketing tactics can help your hotel stand out on social media and build lasting relationships with travelers. Read on to learn how to turn Facebook's platform into a profit-generating marketing machine for your lodging business.

What are helpful Hotel marketing practices in hotels using Facebook?

Here are some practical strategies that you could implement for your hotel's success using Facebook

Crafting an Optimized Facebook Business Page

The foundation of your hotel's Facebook presence is your Facebook Business Page. This is equivalent to your hotel's profile on the platform. Optimizing critical elements of your Business Page can enhance your discoverability and credibility with users searching for travel accommodations. 

  • Profile Picture: Choose an eye-catching image representing your hotel. This will appear in search results and posts. Use your logo or an exterior photo showcasing your property's best features.
  • Cover Photo: Upload a header photo highlighting your hotel's unique aesthetic and local flavor. Show off your pool, lobby, or signature room.
  • Description: Share a brief but compelling paragraph summary of your hotel. Include your location, amenities, and what makes your property unique.
  • Call To Action Button: Add a "Book Now" or "Learn More" button to make it easy for visitors to convert. Link this to your booking page.
  • Improved Local Business Listing: Verify your hotel's name, address, and phone number to enhance your local search visibility on Facebook.
  • Profile Information: Fill out details like awards, certifications, hotel class/rating, and website to build credibility.

Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook to Connect with Travelers

Once your Business Page is polished, it's Time to leverage Facebook's built-in tools to engage with potential guests actively. Consistency and quality are essential when using these features to attract and convert customers:

  • High-Quality Photos and Videos: Post eye-catching visual content showing your rooms, amenities, local attractions, and behind-the-scenes hotel activities. Stories and Reels are great for short video content.
  • Targeted Facebook Ads: Create special offers or promotions and boost them as ads targeting travelers in your area or looking to book certain room types. Facebook's detailed targeting options help get your deals in front of those most likely interested.
  • Messenger Integration: Enable Messenger so prospective guests can message your Page with questions. This provides personalized customer service at the moment users need it.
  • Facebook Events: Promote local events, entertainment offerings, and noteworthy happenings at your hotel. Interested users can RSVP, share with friends, and get reminders.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Run sweepstakes requiring visitors to like, share, or comment for a chance to win a free stay. This can expand your reach and email list.
  • Cross-Promotion: Share content from local attractions, restaurants, and partners while asking them also to showcase your hotel on their Pages. This taps into a wider relevant audience.

The possibilities for showcasing your hotel creatively through Facebook's flexible platform are endless. Consistency is critical - post daily stories or videos to stay top of mind. Respond promptly to comments and inquiries. Think quality over quantity with your content.

Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook

Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook Optimized Ads and Offerings for Facebook Users

Now, let's explore how to optimize your Facebook promotions, deals, and ads to maximize conversions from social to bookings. With Facebook's detailed targeting and tracking capabilities, you can fine-tune your offers to resonate with your ideal audience and yield the highest ROI.

  • Target Interests and Behaviors: Market to specific demographics and groups interested in travel, local attractions, luxury, family activities, romantic getaways, etc, based on your hotel's specialties.
  • Highlight What's Unique: Craft ads focused around your hotel's signature amenities, packages, activities, or dining options. Lean into what makes you stand out.
  • Limited Time Offers: Urgency and scarcity promote action. Create 24-hour flash sales or exclusive Facebook-only deals.
  • Retargeting: Remarket to past visitors and website visitors who did not book to keep your hotel top of mind.
  • Track Conversions: Use Facebook Pixel and event tracking to see which ads or posts spur bookings. Double down on what converts.
  • Flexible Payment: Promote installment plans or discounts for booking directly. Many users feel more comfortable spreading payments over Time.
  • Glocalized Content: Conduct marketing for visitors in their native languages. Tailor offers around key regional events or holidays. Connect to local culture.
  • Social Proof: Sprinkle in testimonials, reviews, and ratings to build credibility. Peer insights provide powerful nudges.
  • Creative and Compelling: Catch the scroll with vivid videos, captivating images, and clever copy. Stand out in the feed. Think visual storytelling.
  • A/B Test: Try multiple versions of each ad, altering visuals, captions, or calls to action. Learn what resonates most.

Mastering the nuances of Facebook ads takes testing and analysis. Start small with low-budget campaigns, measure results, and then scale what's working. The platform makes optimization easy.

Driving Direct Bookings for Big Revenue Lift using Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook

One of the most valuable applications of Facebook for hotels is driving direct bookings through your property's website or booking engine. The more reservations you can secure without paying commissions to OTAs, the bigger the revenue lift. Here are tips for converting Facebook followers into booking customers:

  • Highlight Promo Codes: Create special discount codes for Facebook fans. Adding savings exclusivity intrigues users.
  • Limited Availability Alerts: For peak travel times, promote limited remaining rooms with urgency to book.
  • Retarget Abandoned Carts: Remind users who added rooms to the cart but didn't complete the transaction.
  • Book Now Button: Include a prominent call to action button on your Page pointing users to your booking portal.
  • Messenger Bot Integration: Let guests book or complete purchases in Messenger without leaving Facebook.
  • Live Availability Display: Sync your real-time open rooms/rates feed so users can instantly check dates and book.
  • Gift Card Promotions: Offer bonus gift card amounts when booking direct - $25 card for $100+ booking, etc.
  • Package Bundling: Curate and promote special packages with added value if booking directly - breakfast, resort credits, upgrades, etc.
  • Sweepstakes: Offer entry into a social media sweepstakes for booking direct. Draws attention and incites action.
  • Solicit Reviews: After guest book directly, follow up, asking them to leave a Facebook rating/review about their stay experience.
  • Boost Visibility of Facebook Reviews: Show Facebook ratings prominently on your website. Social proof builds confidence.

The combination of exclusive promotional offers and prominent booking access/messaging on your Facebook presence makes it easier and more appealing for followers to purchase directly. Monitor your booking engine analytics to quantify the impact.

Track ROI and Optimize Accordingly

With any Facebook marketing initiative, ongoing performance tracking and optimization is essential. Continually analyze key metrics to determine ROI and refine your strategies for better results. Relevant KPIs to assess include:

Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook

- Post reach/impressions

- Engagement rate

- Link clicks

- Conversion rate

- Cost per booking

- CPC and CPM


Regularly evaluate metrics for your Facebook content and ads. Double down on the formats, offers, or segments yielding the highest returns. Kill off underperformers. Stay on top of changing algorithm impacts.

You can also survey guests who booked through Facebook for feedback on what compelled them or could be improved. Continually hone your approach based on data-driven insights. Over Time, you will unlock the formula for Facebook marketing success that is unique to your hotel.

Marketing in Hotels Using Facebook: In A Nutshell

By combining Facebook's built-in tools with compelling content and offers, hotels can build meaningful relationships with potential guests and convert them into loyal customers. Develop a winning hotel Facebook marketing strategy that sets your property apart.

Ready to take your hotel's Facebook presence to the next level? Emersion Wellness provides social media marketing solutions tailored specifically for hospitality businesses. Contact us today to drive more bookings through Facebook and our full range of revenue-generating digital strategies.


  1. What types of Facebook posts perform best for hotels?

    Photos, videos, local events, contests, holiday offers, packages, and behind-the-scenes content tend to engage audiences most effectively. Mix up your content formats.

  2. How can I make my Facebook ad stand out more?

    Captivating visuals, clear messaging, and a compelling offer or CTA button are key. Use high-quality creative assets that capture attention quickly.

  3. What is the best objective to select for my Facebook ad campaign?

    For hotels, "Traffic" or "Conversions" are generally the best objectives depending on your goals - drive site traffic or bookings.

  4. Should I use a Facebook pixel to track conversions?

    Absolutely. The Facebook pixel is vital for optimizing marketing efforts. You can build audiences and retarget past site visitors.

  5. How much text should I include in Facebook ads?

    Keep text minimal - 2-5 lines max. Rely more on bold imagery and video content than long ad copy.

  6. How can I promote my Facebook reviews?

    Share 5-star ratings on your Page. Highlight select reviews. Embed ratings on your website. Ask happy guests to post.

  7. What's the ideal frequency to send Facebook marketing emails?

    1-2 times per week, only send to users who opted in. Provide valuable offers and updates in each one.

  8. Should I use Facebook Live to engage my audience?

    Streaming live videos can be highly engaging if promoted effectively. Interact with viewers in real Time.

  9. What types of metrics should I track for Facebook?

    Reach, engagement, clicks, conversions, cost per result, ROAS, audience growth - compile data on all key metrics.

  10. How can I automate post scheduling on Facebook?

    Use built-in Creator Studio functions or third-party social media management platforms like Hootsuite to batch schedule content.

Get in Touch for more information.

Also Read: Top 10 Ways to Maximize Hotel Lead Generation

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