group of hotel sale workers discussing strategies

Top Hotel Sales Strategies to Increase Revenue 

November 7, 2023
Nathan Baws

An exceptional hotel sales strategy drives demand, increases occupancy, and maximizes revenues in an increasingly competitive market. While a stellar property and service provide the foundation, proactive sales, and marketing initiatives make the difference in converting potential guests into booked stays and unwavering loyalty.

This guide outlines the most impactful hotel sales strategies for attracting bookings, elevating rates, opening new channels, and ultimately growing the bottom line.

What Are Top Hotel Sales Strategies To Up Your Business Game 

Here are top hotel sales strategies to up your business game. 

1. Hotel Sales Strategies: Optimize Digital Presence and eCommerce

With most travel shopping occurring online, an intuitive, engaging digital presence is required to convert guests.

Website Optimization 

Ensure the website showcases your unique value proposition, visualizes the guest experience, and simplifies booking. Highlight our differentiators like amenities, location, packages, and services that make guests want to book directly. Provide rich visuals, bringing the experience to life.

SEO and Targeted Content

Publish locally-optimized content and blog articles on relevant travel topics to increase visibility and conversions. Update co tent focused on geographic and seasonal travel trends to drive visibility when potential guests are searching. Share loc l insider tips.

Online Reputation Management

Proactively generate positive reviews, quickly address feedback, and resolve issues transparently to manage sentiment. Train staff to gather guest email addresses during stays for surveying. Monitor and view sites and immediately address negative feedback publicly. 

Retargeting Campaigns  

Remarket to past website visitors and shoppers across channels to keep your brand top of mind until they book. Craft specific retargeted promotions like returning user discounts or exclusive site-only flash sales based on their browsing behavior.

eCommerce Performance 

Monitor web traffic, search rankings, online visibility, conversion rates, booking metrics, and other analytics to identify optimization opportunities. A/B tests alls-to-action, offers, images, content, on-site promotions, and other elements to improve online conversions.

2. Hotel Sales Strategies: Strategic ally Promote OTAs and Metasearch Sites 

Although driving direct bookings has advantages, OTAs expand reach and establish rate parity.

Rate Parity

Enforce consistent rates across major OTAs and direct booking channels to protect brand integrity. To maintain rate consistency, leverage rate shopping tools to track rates daily across OTAs and media. Identify violations.

Target Key Sites

Focus on reputable OTAs aligned to your target guest profiles like, Expedia, etc. Analyze performance data to identify OTAs delivering the highest ROI. Redirect marketing budget toward top-converting partnerships.

Restrict Promotions

Limit discounted rates and lower-priced packages to direct channels to avoid brand degradation on OTAs. Negotiate contracts with OTA partners to restrict promotional use to maintain rate integrity instead of on value-added inclusion.  

Review Commission Rates

Renegotiate OTA commission structures regularly based on volume and performance. Reduced f es improve margins. As businesses scale, contracts can be renegotiated to lower commission rates. Penalties and marketing support may be forfeited.

Monitor Attribution

Track revenue attributed to various channels to make informed marketing budget decisions and identify top-performing partnerships. Use tracking links, unique booking codes, landing pages, and other analytics to measure ROI across paid and organic channels.

Aerial view of a luxurious hotel by the sea

4. Hotel Sales Strategies: Develop Partnerships and Local Ties

Strategic partnerships with local vendors, attractions, and influencers cultivate new demand channels.

Local Packages

Offer discounted bundled packages with nearby attractions, restaurants, tours, transportation, and area hotels to promote experiential stays. Provide added value through exclusive discounts, perks, upgrades, and access not available to the general public, booking independently.

Corporate and Group Accounts 

Develop preferred relationships with local corporations, event planners, schools, tour operators, etc., to attract steady bookings. Become de ignated hotel for corporate travelers through negotiated group rates, personalized amenities, and executive privileges. 

Promotions with Partners

Orchestrate joint campaigns with local partners to cross-promote brands and offers to each other's audience and channels. Cooperative marketing provides more budget to promote specialized packages and offers to benefit both partners and expand reach.

Community Involvement

Support local events, charities, organizations, and causes to build community integration and organic exposure. Donate to MS, sponsor events, host fundraisers, and participate in community initiatives, fostering brand affinity and relationships.

Influencer Engagement  

Host travel bloggers, creatives, and niche influencers to experience and authentically promote your property to their followers. Research bloggers and influencers with an audience aligned with your target market. Provide h sted stays in exchange for social promotion and reviews.

5. Hotel Sales Strategies: Implement Sales Training and Tools 

Proper sales training, technology, and collateral ensure staff secure bookings effectively.

CRM and Guest Data  

Centralized guest profiles, histories, preferences, and insights equip sales teams to understand accounts and contacts profoundly and lead to personalize engagement. Integrate CRM systems to provide holistic views of prospect or past guest engagement across channels to sales teams in real-time.

Sales Collateral

Provide presentations, brochures, videos, and other professional sales materials to influence and close business across channels. Invest in custom in-house designed collateral that adequately conveys brand personality versus templated materials.

Technology Resources 

Equip teams with rate shopping, lead management, marketing automation, and other tools streamlining sales execution and enhancing productivity—Consolidaee essential tools into a sales stack, integrating data to minimize toggling between platforms. Ensure ad option through training.

Hands-on Training

Role-playing presentations, objection addressing, negotiations, relationship nurturing, and closing tactics accelerate skill development. Facilitate mock sales scenarios for practice. Have lead rs provide coaching and feedback to build skills.

Peer Mentorship

Have top sales performers shadow newer team members to share successful techniques and serve as mentors. Assign and hire peer buddies they initially darken to immerse them in proven sales processes and approaches.

See Also: Wellness Sales Strategy to Increase Hotel Revenue


Getting sales execution right comes down to strategy, technology, and people—contact Eersion Wellness to discuss comprehensive solutions tailored to accelerating hotel revenue growth through optimized sales initiatives.

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