wellness strategies

Top Wellness Strategies That Work For Your Hotel

January 12, 2024
Nathan Baws

Creating a wellness strategies that attracts and retains guests while being cost-effective and environmentally sustainable is no easy task. However, with careful planning and execution, hotels can build a wellness strategy that benefits their bottom line, their guests, and the planet. 

Understanding Guest Demand for Wellness and developing Wellness Strategies

The wellness travel market has exploded in recent years and is now valued at a staggering $639 billion, with wellness tourism growing more than twice as fast as general tourism. Guests increasingly seek accommodations that support their health and well-being.

But beware of wellness "greenwashing" or making hollow claims. Today's guests are savvy and will see through superficial wellness offerings. They desire an authentic experience aligned with their values. This means building wellness into every guest experience, from healthy building materials to toxin-free cleaning products, farm-to-table dining, and more.

 Starting with Your Hotel's Values and Assets

The foundation for an impactful wellness program is identifying what principles matter most to your hotel. Is it mindfulness, fitness, holistic health, community, sustainability? Clarify your ethos so you can attract guests who share your values.

Next, audit your existing assets. Leverage natural resources like gardens, walking trails, mountain views, and local partnerships to create native wellness experiences. Appoint wellness ambassadors from your staff to guide guests. Curate specialty treatments using indigenous plants and products. The most memorable programs tap into the essence of the surrounding place.

Executing a Wellness Strategies that Optimizes Profit

With a clear values-focused vision, now execute a wellness plan that drives revenue and optimizes costs.

- Start small, then scale thoughtfully. Test new wellness offerings like yoga classes or farm-to-table meals. Gather feedback to refine the most popular features, then scale them sustainably.

- Focus on high-ROI wellness features first. Spa treatments, healthy minibar options, and specialty fitness classes typically yield the highest returns. Invest here before expanding into costlier renovations.

- Package offerings creatively. Bundle popular treatments and activities into half-day or multi-day wellness packages. These generate more revenue than à la carte pricing.

- Promote local partnerships—co-market with neighborhood yoga studios, farms, massage therapists, and health food stores. You gain distribution while they enjoy new customers.

Making Wellness Strategies a Competitive Differentiator

With careful planning, your wellness program can become a core competitive advantage that attracts loyal guests. Here's how to stand out:

Offer Personalized Wellness Journeys

Invite guests to take a quiz about their wellness goals before arriving. Then, customize their stay with treatments, classes, and amenities that address their needs. Personalization makes guests feel genuinely cared for.

Infuse Wellness Throughout the Property

From a state-of-the-art fitness center to healthy bedding, wellness cannot be confined to the spa. Embed it across your property for an immersive experience.

Train Staff as Wellness Guides

Educate staff so they can knowledgeably discuss wellness offerings and safely guide guests trying new activities like hiking or water sports. Their expertise enhances each activity.

wellness strategies

Continuously Gather Guest Feedback regarding Wellness Strategies

Solicit ongoing reviews about your wellness programming. Watch for emerging wellness trends. Then, refine offerings to exceed evolving guest expectations.

Promote Your Wellness Ethos

Communicate your wellness values prominently in marketing materials and on property. Convey your authentic commitment to helping guests practice a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

Ensuring a Sustainable Wellness Strategy

As you design and implement your wellness plan, prioritize sustainability. Here are some best practices:

- Source food and materials locally to reduce your carbon footprint. Compost food waste.

- Conserve energy and water. Choose non-toxic cleaners and bath products.

- Offer eco-adventure activities like hiking, biking, and kayaking that connect guests to nature.

- Educate guests on reducing waste and respecting local culture and natural resources.

- Donate a percentage of wellness revenue to environmental causes.

- Achieve green certifications to validate your sustainability efforts.

By making wellness and sustainability core parts of your business, you allow guests to feel good enjoying activities that also leave the smallest footprint behind.

Seizing the Wellness Travel Opportunity

Wellness is far more than a fad. It represents a fundamental shift in travelers seeking meaning, growth, and transformation through memorable hotel experiences grounded in health and sustainability.

In A Nutshell

By tapping into this fast-growing market backed by savvy guests with serious wellness intentions, hotels have an incredible opportunity to do good while significantly growing revenue. With careful planning, what's suitable for guests can also benefit your bottom line.

Reach out to our team at Emersion Wellness to begin building a customized wellness strategy for your property that delivers results. Let's start a conversation about designing a meaningful program for your guests while being smart and sustainable for your business.


  1. What are some of the most popular wellness offerings today?

    Some of the most in-demand wellness offerings include fitness classes like yoga, pilates, and high-intensity interval training; spa treatments like massage, acupuncture, and sound healing; health-focused dining options with organic, local, plant-based meals; and activities like meditation, hiking, biking, and water sports that connect guests to nature.

  2. How much does it cost to build out wellness offerings at my hotel?

    Costs vary widely based on your property's size and programming breadth. Most hotels start small with low-cost options like healthy minibar items, yoga classes, or farm-to-table dining. Then, they reinvest revenue into larger investments like renovating the spa or adding a fitness center. Taking a phased approach allows you to expand judiciously.

  3. How can I track the ROI of my wellness program?

    Analyze which specific offerings, like spa treatments or fitness classes, generate the most revenue. Measure retention of repeat "wellness traveler" guests. Survey guests about which elements they value most. Link wellness revenue directly to key offerings to quantify performance. This allows you to double down on what's working.

  4. How do I market our hotel's wellness program?

    Share your wellness vision authentically across your website, social channels, and guest-facing materials. Promote special packages and retreats through dedicated wellness marketing campaigns. You should partner with local studios and providers to co-market offerings. Leverage social media and influencers to promote your wellness experiences.

  5. How can I ensure our program is sustainable?

    Choose local organic food, eco-friendly supplies, and reusable versus disposable items. Conserve energy and water. Limit waste by composting and recycling. Use non-toxic cleaners. Offer eco-adventures like hiking or biking. Educate staff and guests about sustainability best practices. And validate efforts through green certifications.

  6. Is wellness just a trend, or is it a sound business investment?

    Wellness is far more than a fleeting trend. It represents a fundamental shift in global values, with travelers increasingly seeking meaning, growth, and transformation through memorable hotel experiences grounded in health and sustainability. This multi-billion dollar industry is projected to keep expanding for years to come. 

  7. What if my hotel doesn't have extensive grounds or outdoor amenities to leverage?

    You can infuse wellness throughout any property. Focus on indoor offerings like yoga studios, spa treatments, state-of-the-art fitness centers, and healthy dining. Also, emphasize your location's natural surroundings like parks, beaches, and walking paths, or culturally enriching experiences like art tours or cooking classes. There are always local assets to leverage.

  8. Should I hire a specialized wellness director to oversee programming? 

    This is recommended for larger resorts and properties with extensive wellness offerings. Wellness directors help craft your strategy, spearhead new programs, oversee operations, and train staff. For smaller hotels, appoint an existing manager to be in charge of developing and managing wellness. 

  9. How much space do I need to dedicate to wellness programming?

    You can start small, testing offerings in existing spaces like guest rooms, pools, restaurants, meeting rooms, or back offices temporarily converted to studios. Invest in permanent spaces like dedicated yoga studios, treatment rooms, and fitness centers as revenue grows. Take a phased approach to right-size based on demand.

  10. What mistakes should I avoid when building a hotel wellness program?

    Don't make hollow wellness claims that lack authenticity - guests will see through anything superficial. Don't start too ambitiously without proper facilities, staff training, and promotional support - start small. Don't lose sight of the local essence in pursuing trends - leverage your unique setting. And don't forget the holistic integration of wellness across your property and business.

Get in touch for more information

Also See: What are the Common Hotel Funding Sources?

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Emersion Wellness

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