beautiful hotel’s outdoor space

6 Ways to Increase Hotel Revenue for Startup Businesses

October 21, 2023
Nathan Baws

Opening a new hotel can be thrilling yet daunting. Especially generating enough hotel revenue to thrive in the early years. While flawless service and amenities are essential, implementing creative sales and marketing strategies is equally vital for fledgling properties to drive bookings and build financial sustainability. Here are six proven approaches to boost hotel revenues right from the start.

Optimize Your Website to Generate Hotel Revenue

With roughly 70% of travellers using online searches to book hotels, your website is the sales hub. Ensure it conveys your unique value proposition, visualizes the guest experience, offers dynamic packages, highlights promotions, and makes direct booking seamless. Integrate chatbots to engage visitors.

Focus on Customer Lifetime Value Over Quick Wins

Acquiring new customers costs five times more than retaining them. Build loyal guests who book again through members-only deals, thoughtful perks, consistently fantastic service, and developing authentic relationships. Small nurturing touches make an impact. Don’t get distracted chasing one-time customers.

hotel in front of the lush blue ocean

Pay Close Attention to Online Reputation Management

Online ratings and reviews significantly influence booking decisions. Respond promptly and professionally to all guest feedback, fix operational issues, and work diligently to delight every visitor. Survey satisfied guests and encourage them to post positive reviews across multiple sites like TripAdvisor, Google, and Facebook.

Hold Targeted Promotions to Stimulate Sales

Strategic promotions targeted to slower days or specific audiences help drive demand when needed most. Offer corporate discounts, weekend packages for locals, family deals during school holidays, mid-week giveaways, or themed packages around community events or seasons. Get creative with value-adds.

Strategically Partner With Online Travel Agencies

While driving direct bookings has advantages, online travel agencies (OTAs) provide startup visibility and scale fast. Carefully manage inventory allotments, pricing parity, discounted offers, and blocking strategies across major OTAs to maximize revenue. 

Leverage Local Partnerships 

Partner creatively with nearby venues, restaurants, attractions, and local businesses to cross-promote. Offer special discounted packages that bundle your rooms with local experiences. Become the go-to hotel for area events.

Focus on Customer Lifetime Value

Acquiring new customers costs five times more than retaining them. Build loyal guests who book again through members-only deals, thoughtful perks, consistent service, and developing authentic relationships. Small nurturing touches make an impact.

Pay Close Attention to Online Reputation

Online ratings and reviews significantly influence booking decisions. Respond promptly to all feedback, fix issues, and work diligently to delight every guest. Encourage happy customers to post reviews across multiple sites.

Hold Targeted Promotions

Strategic promotions targeted to slower days or specific audiences help stimulate demand. Offer corporate discounts, weekend packages for locals, family deals during school holidays, mid-week giveaways, or themed packages around events. Get creative.

See Also: Unlocking Profit Potential - Hotel Funding Sources for Revenue Growth

In A Nutshell

The key is balancing quality customer service and intelligent revenue-driving strategies. For innovative approaches tailored to new hotels, contact Emersion Wellness. Balancing fantastic customer service with a thoughtful revenue-driving process unique to the startup phase is critical. 

Our team provides startup properties with specialized revenue solutions to help maximize success. Please book a consultation and discuss how to meet your growth and profit goals. 

For tailored revenue solutions to maximize new hotel success, contact Emersion Wellness

Our team provides specialized guidance for launching properties to help meet growth and profit goals immediately.

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