Hotel Weight Loss Industry Trends

Cater to Health-Conscious Guests:
Tap into the Booming Weight Loss Industry to Boost Hotel Occupancy Rates

“No longer will a hotel be just a place to sleep. Wellness, health and personalization are going to become more mainstream.”
Mark Sands, Vice President of Wellness, Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas

Explore Trends Impacting Hotel Occupancy Rates and More

  1. Increased Hotel Revenue:
    • Hotels offering wellness programs experience an average revenue increase of up to 10% compared to those without such programs. (Reference: Global Wellness Institute - Global Wellness Economy Monitor)
    • Wellness-focused travelers spend up to 130%-178% more on hotel bookings and services than standard holiday seekers.
  2. Guest Demand:
    • 85% of travelers consider health and wellness offerings important when choosing accommodations. (Reference: Wellness Tourism Association)
    • 72% of travelers are more likely to choose hotels with wellness amenities. (Reference: Wellness Tourism Association)
    • Global wellness tourism is growing at double the rate of general tourism.
    • With hundreds of keto retail products available for the consumer, there is massive demand and "appetite" for everything keto.
  3. Occupancy Rates:
    • Hotels with wellness programs achieve an average of 18% higher hotel occupancy rates compared to those without such programs. (Reference: Cornell University School of Hotel Administration)
  4. Guest Satisfaction:
    • 79% of guests report higher satisfaction levels when hotels offer wellness programs. (Reference: Global Wellness Institute - Global Wellness Economy Monitor)
  • Tap into a Lucrative Market: The weight loss industry is booming, with a projected global market value of $303.81 billion by 2027. This market and "appetite" is only getting bigger.
  • Meet Guest Demands: Approximately 45 million Americans go on a diet each year, making weight loss programs a sought-after amenity for hotel guests.
  • Enhance Guest Satisfaction: By offering our plug and play weight loss program, hotels can provide guests with a comprehensive and convenient solution to achieve their health and wellness goals during their stay. This initiative aligns with effective hotel revenue management strategies.
  • Appeal to Diverse Guests: Our program caters to a wide range of guests, as weight loss concerns related to all, with 92% of women and 75% of men actively seeking weight management solutions. This approach has the potential to increase revenue for the hotel.
  • Align with Wellness Industry: By incorporating our plug and play weight loss program, hotels can tap into the thriving fitness and wellness industry, which had a market share of $72.7 billion in 2019. This move perfectly aligns with the principles of wellness hospitality.
  • By partnering with us and implementing our plug and play weight loss program: Hotels can quickly and seamlessly cater to the growing demand for health and wellness offerings, attract health-conscious guests, and elevate their overall guest experience. This strategic initiative harmonizes seamlessly with practical revenue management tips for hotels, facilitating entry into the lucrative weight loss industry.
  • Join us in providing a holistic and convenient solution that sets your hotel apart.
- Global Wellness Institute: Global Wellness Economy Monitor - - Wellness Tourism Association
- Cornell University School of Hotel Administration - Research on wellness programs in hotels

Emersion Wellness

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7 Leake St Fremantle - 6160 - Perth, Western Australia

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