trends in travel

7 Trends in Travel in 2024 That Will Boost Your Hotel's Revenue

June 3, 2024
Nathan Baws

The travel industry is constantly evolving, with new trends in travel emerging all the time. Asa hotel revenue-generating specialist, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve to maximise your income.This article will explore seven key trends in travel in 2024 that can significantly impact your hotel's bottom line. By understanding these trends in travel and implementing relevant strategies, you can attract new guests, boost room bookings, and increase overall revenue.

Critical Takeaways

  • Travelers are seeking meaningful and personalised experiences.
  • Sustainability is a growing concern for travellers, and hotels need to adapt.
  • Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the travel experience.
  • Wellness travel is a booming market with significant revenue potential.
  • Bleisure travel (combining business and leisure) is on the rise.
  • Solo travel continues to be popular, and hotels need to cater to this market.
  • Experiences over possessions is a dominant travel philosophy.

Travelers Seek Meaningful and Personalised Experiences

Gone are the days of generic vacations. Today's travellers crave unique and personalised experiences that connect them to the local culture, history, and environment.

Cater to Local Experiences:

  • Partner with local businesses to offer tours, cooking classes, and cultural events.
  • Highlight nearby attractions and hidden gems in your marketing materials.
  • Train your staff to be local experts who can recommend unique experiences for guests.

Personalise the Guest Journey:

  • Use guest data to personalise communication and recommendations.
  • Offer customised room packages and amenities based on guest preferences.
  • Empower staff to go the extra mile to create a memorable experience for each guest.

Leverage Technology for Personalisation:

  • Implement a guest app that allows guests to book activities, order room service, and connect with the hotel staff.
  • Use digital signage to display personalised welcome messages and local recommendations.
  • Offer a self-service check-in and check-out option for added convenience.

By catering to these desires for meaningful and personalised experiences, your hotel can stand out from the competition and attract a loyal clientele.

Sustainability is a Top Priority for Travelers

Sustainability is no longer a niche concern; it's a major factor for many travellers. According to Skift, over half of the travellers believe there aren't enough sustainable travel options. This presents a significant opportunity for hotels that can demonstrate their commitment to eco-friendly practices.

Implement Sustainable Practices:

  • Reduce energy and water consumption through energy-efficient appliances and water-saving fixtures.
  • Implement recycling and composting programs.
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products and toiletries.
  • Offer guests the option to reuse towels and linens.

Partner with Local Communities:

  • Support local farmers and businesses by sourcing sustainable and locally-produced food and beverages.
  • Offer tours and activities that promote environmental conservation.
  • Donate a portion of your profits to local environmental causes.

Highlight Sustainability Efforts:

  • Showcase your sustainability initiatives on your website and marketing materials.
  • Train your staff to communicate your sustainability efforts to guests.
  • Obtain eco-certifications to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

By prioritising sustainability, you can attract environmentally conscious travellers, build brand loyalty, and potentially reduce operating costs.

Travel Technology is Here to Stay

Technology is revolutionising the travel industry, and hotels need to embrace it to remain competitive. Travelers are increasingly using technology to research destinations, book accommodations, and manage their trips.

Leverage Online Booking Platforms:

  • List your hotel on popular online booking platforms like Expedia and
  • Offer online booking incentives to attract more direct bookings.
  • Use search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies to improve your hotel's online visibility.

Embrace Mobile Technology:

  • Develop a user-friendly mobile app for guests to book rooms, access hotel information, and connect with the staff.
  • Offer mobile check-in and check-out options for added convenience.
  • Use SMS marketing to send targeted promotions and updates to guests.

Invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots:

  • Implement AI chatbots to answer guest questions and provide recommendations 24/7.
  • Use AI to personalise guest experiences and optimise room pricing based on real-time demand and guest preferences.

By embracing travel technology, you can streamline your operations, improve guest satisfaction, and reach a wider audience of potential customers.

Wellness Travel is a Booming Market

Wellness travel is one of the fastest-growing segments of the tourism industry, with travellers increasingly seeking experiences that promote physical and mental well-being. According to the Global Wellness Institute, the global wellness tourism market is expected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2025. This presents a significant opportunity for hotels to cater to this growing demand.

Offer Wellness-Focused Amenities:

  • Partner with spa and wellness providers to offer on-site massage treatments,
  • pen_spark
  •  yoga classes, and meditation sessions.
  • Equip your fitness centre with state-of-the-art equipment and offer fitness classes like HIIT or aqua aerobics.
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere with comfortable furnishings, natural light, and calming music.

Develop Wellness Packages:

  • Create curated wellness packages that combine accommodation with spa treatments, healthy meals, and fitness classes.
  • Partner with local health professionals to offer workshops on topics like nutrition, stress management, and sleep hygiene.
  • Cater to specific wellness needs by offering packages for weight loss, detox, or pain management (consider partnering with a program like Emersion Wellness' weight loss program for a proven and effective solution).

Promote Your Wellness Offerings:

  • Showcase your wellness amenities and packages on your website and marketing materials.
  • Partner with travel influencers who specialise in wellness travel.
  • Participate in wellness travel trade shows and events.

By tapping into the wellness travel trend, your hotel can attract a lucrative clientele and differentiate yourself from the competition.

trends in travel

Bleisure Travel: Blending Business and Leisure

Bleisure travel, the combination of business and leisure travel, is on the rise. With the increasing popularity of remote work, business travellers are more likely to extend their trips for personal enjoyment.

Cater to the Bleisure Traveler:

  • Offer flexible room rates and packages that cater to both business and leisure needs.
  • Provide co-working spaces with high-speed Wi-Fi, printing services, and comfortable seating.
  • Partner with local businesses to offer after-work activities and entertainment options.

Highlight Local Attractions:

  • Showcase nearby attractions, restaurants, and nightlife options in your welcome materials and on your website.
  • Offer curated city guides and recommendations for things to do in your area.
  • Partner with local transportation providers to offer guests discounted rates on rental cars or public transportation passes.

Create a Work-Life Balance Environment:

  • Offer in-room amenities like coffee makers, ergonomic chairs, and blackout curtains to create a productive workspace.
  • Create designated quiet areas in the hotel where guests can work without distractions.
  • Provide relaxation options like on-site spa services, fitness centres, and swimming pools.

By catering to bleisure travellers, your hotel can attract a wider range of guests and increase occupancy rates during traditionally slower periods.

Here's a table summarising the key facts and insights from the trends in travel discussed so far:

Travel TrendKey FactInsight for Hotels
Meaningful & Personalised ExperiencesTravelers crave unique experiencesCater to local experiences, personalise the guest journey, leverage technology for personalisation
SustainabilityOver half of travelers prioritise sustainabilityImplement sustainable practices, partner with local communities, highlight sustainability efforts
Travel TechnologyTech is revolutionising travelLeverage online booking platforms, embrace mobile technology, invest in AI and chatbots
Wellness TravelBooming market worth $1.8 trillion by 2025Offer wellness amenities, develop wellness packages, promote your wellness offerings
Bleisure TravelBusiness and leisure travel are mergingCater to the bleisure traveler, highlight local attractions, create a work-life balance environment

Solo Travel is on the Rise

Solo travel is becoming increasingly popular, with more people choosing to explore the world on their own. According to a report by The Solo Traveler, the solo travel market is expected to grow by 5% annually over the next five years. This trend presents a unique opportunity for hotels to cater to this growing demographic.

Create a Welcoming Environment for Solo Travelers:

  • Offer single rooms or studios with comfortable amenities and competitive rates.
  • Organise social events and activities that allow solo travellers to meet other guests.
  • Partner with local tour operators to offer solo-friendly tours and excursions.

Promote Safety and Security:

  • Highlight your hotel's security measures, such as well-lit walkways, secure keycard access, and 24-hour security personnel.
  • Offer in-room safes for guests to store their valuables.
  • Provide information on safe neighbourhoods and transportation options.

Offer Personalised Services:

  • Train staff to be friendly and welcoming to solo travellers.
  • Offer concierge services to help solo travellers plan their itineraries and activities.
  • Provide recommendations for restaurants and attractions that cater to solo travellers.
  • By creating a welcoming and safe environment for solo travellers, your hotel can attract a new segment of guests and boost occupancy rates.

Experiences Over Possessions: A Dominant Travel Philosophy

Today's travellers are increasingly prioritising experiences over material possessions. They are more interested in creating lasting memories than accumulating souvenirs. This shift in travel philosophy presents an opportunity   to create unique and memorable experiences for their guests.

Offer Unique Experiences:

  • Partner with local businesses to offer exclusive experiences like cooking classes, wine tastings, or cultural workshops.
  • Organise themed events and activities that celebrate local culture or history.
  • Host behind-the-scenes tours of local attractions or businesses.

Create a Sense of Place:

  • Incorporate local art, music, and cuisine into the hotel's design and atmosphere.
  • Offer tours and activities that allow guests to immerse themselves in the local culture.
  • Partner with local artisans and businesses to sell unique souvenirs in the hotel gift shop.

Focus on Guest Engagement:

  • Encourage guest interaction by organising social events, game nights, or movie nights.
  • Offer personalised recommendations for activities and attractions based on guest interests.
  • Train staff to be local experts who can share their knowledge and passion for the area with guests.

By focusing on experiences, your hotel can differentiate itself from the competition and create a loyal following of guests who will return for more memorable adventures.


The travel industry is constantly evolving, and these seven trends in travel in 2024 offer valuable insights for hotels looking to maximise their revenue. By understanding these trends in travel and implementing relevant strategies, you can attract new guests, boost room bookings, and increase overall profitability.

Call to Action

Ready to leverage these trends in travel and take your hotel's revenue to the next level? Contact Emersion Wellness today! We are a leading hospitality consulting firm with a proven track record of helping hotels achieve their revenue goals. We can help you develop a comprehensive strategy to cater to the changing travel landscape, including innovative revenue-generating ideas like our highly successful weight loss program, which can boost your hotel's revenue through increased room bookings, spa visits, and food and beverage sales. Let's work together to create a thriving hotel business!


1. How can I identify the trends in travel that are most relevant to my hotel?

There are several ways to identify the most relevant trends in travel for your hotel:

  • Analyse your guest data: Look at demographics, booking patterns, and guest reviews to see what types of travellers you are currently attracting and what their interests are.
  • Research online trends in travel: Stay up-to-date on the latest industry reports and articles about trends in travel.
  • Benchmark your competitors: See what other hotels in your area are doing to cater to current trends in travel.
  • Talk to your staff: Your staff interacts with guests on a daily basis and can provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

2. How much should I invest in technology to cater to trends in travel?

The amount you invest in technology will depend on your budget and the specific trends in travel you want to address. However, even small investments can make a big difference. For example, creating a user-friendly mobile website or implementing a simple online booking system can go a long way in attracting tech-savvy travellers.

3. What are some sustainable practices that hotels can implement?

There are many ways for hotels to become more sustainable. Here are a few examples:

  • Reduce energy and water consumption by using energy-efficient appliances and water-saving fixtures.
  • Implement recycling and composting programs.
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products and toiletries.
  • Offer guests the option to reuse towels and linens.
  • Partner with local businesses to source sustainable and locally-produced food and beverages.

4. How can I create a safe and welcoming environment for solo travellers?

Here are some tips for creating a safe and welcoming environment for solo travellers:

  • Offer well-lit walkways, secure keycard access, and 24-hour security personnel.
  • Provide in-room safes for valuables.
  • Train staff to be friendly and welcoming to solo travellers.
  • Offer concierge services to help solo travellers plan their itineraries.
  • Organise social events and activities that allow solo travellers to meet other guests.

5. What are some examples of unique experiences that hotels can offer?

The possibilities are endless! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Partner with a local chef to offer a cooking class featuring regional cuisine.
  • Organise a private wine tasting at a nearby vineyard.
  • Set up a stargasing session with a local astronomer.
  • Offer a behind-the-scenes tour of a historical landmark or museum.
  • Partner with a local artist to offer a painting or pottery workshop.

6. How can I encourage guest interaction in my hotel?

There are several ways to encourage guest interaction:

  • Organise social events like game nights, movie nights, or poolside parties.
  • Offer themed events or activities that celebrate local culture or history.
  • Create a communal space like a library, game room, or outdoor patio where guests can socialise.
  • Train staff to be friendly and outgoing, and encourage them to interact with guests.
  • Provide opportunities for guests to share their experiences on social media, such as by creating a designated hashtag for your hotel.

7. How can Emersion Wellness help my hotel increase revenue?

Emersion Wellness offers a variety of consulting services to help hotels increase revenue. We can help you develop a comprehensive strategy to cater to the changing travel landscape, including:

  • Revenue generation strategies: Identify new revenue streams beyond traditional room bookings, such as spa packages, wellness experiences, and curated activities.
  • Marketing and sales optimisation: Develop targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies to attract new guests who are interested in the trends in travel discussed in this article.
  • Guest experience improvement: Help you create a more personalised and memorable experience for guests, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

8. What are some of the benefits of partnering with Emersion Wellness?

By partnering with Emersion Wellness, you can benefit from our extensive experience in the hospitality industry. We have a proven track record of helping hotels achieve their revenue goals. We will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and develop a customised plan to help you succeed.

9. How can I learn more about Emersion Wellness and its services?

Visit our website at to learn more about our company and the services we offer. You can also contact us directly by phone or email to schedule a free consultation.

10. Is Emersion Wellness' weight loss program right for my hotel?

The Emersion Wellness weight loss program can be a great way to attract new guests and increase revenue for your hotel. The program is designed to be effective, sustainable, and enjoyable for guests. We can work with you to develop a customised program that fits the needs of your hotel and your guests.

Also, see 7 Powerful Travel Trends in Your 2024 Report: Unlock Revenue & Guest Satisfaction

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Emersion Wellness

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